

The “Prevention as a Guarantee” project was launched to raise public awareness about the importance of preventive healthcare and improving public health. Through information, education, and concrete activities, we encourage citizens to undergo regular screenings and adopt healthy lifestyle habits that reduce risk factors.

A particular focus of the project is on breast cancer prevention, given the alarming statistics showing that Serbia ranks first in Europe in mortality rates from this disease due to late diagnosis.
Through the project, we aim to contribute to the prevention of other serious health challenges such as ovarian cancer, cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and other illnesses that claim many lives daily due to late diagnosis and a lack of preventive healthcare.

The “Prevention as a Guarantee” project is implemented through a series of project activities conducted throughout the year:

  • We talk, we invite, we encourage
    Through continuous media campaigns and informative announcements, we raise public awareness about the importance of preventive screenings and healthy lifestyle habits. Special attention is given to promoting regular screenings and educating about risk factors for numerous chronic diseases.
  • Conferences
    Organising conferences that bring together eminent experts from the healthcare field, representatives of relevant institutions, and NGOs to foster dialogue on key health challenges through expert discussions and the dissemination of knowledge about prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of various diseases.
  • Public events, educational panels, and workshops
    Interactive events and panels across Serbia provide citizens with the opportunity to learn about health, disease prevention, and the importance of early detection through expert lectures and practical workshops.
  • Humanitarian events and initiatives
    The aim of humanitarian events and initiatives is to connect citizens through activities that promote solidarity, unity, and care for health. These activities raise awareness about the importance of preventive healthcare and provide support to those in need.
  • Educational materials
    Through informational guides, brochures, infographics, and other formats, citizens receive practical advice on adopting healthy habits, undergoing regular preventive screenings, and early diagnostics.