Panel discussion held on empowering women in the business sector: “The Future of Women’s Leadership: Diversity, Resilience, and Vision

The Chamber of Italian-Serbian Entrepreneurs, in collaboration with the WMG Foundation and the Women on Boards Adria (WOBA) initiative, organized a panel discussion titled “The Future of Women’s Leadership: Diversity, Resilience, and Vision.” The event brought together representatives from the business world, experts, and leaders in the field of gender equality in the business sector. The WMG Foundation hosted the event, while the WOBA initiative played a central role in presenting its activities and mission.

Open Discussions on the Importance of Women’s Empowerment

In the opening segment, Biljana Sirovica, Secretary General of the Chamber of Italian-Serbian Entrepreneurs, and Irena Petrović, Director of the WMG Foundation, highlighted the necessity of continuous efforts to improve the position of women in the business world.

“The Chamber of Italian-Serbian Entrepreneurs has been connecting Italian and Serbian companies, representing their interests for 23 years, and supporting all their business activities with around 150 members. Our chamber is an integral part of the Sistema Italia, a network that supports the Italian economy and international cooperation. Today, we want to contribute to improving the business environment, and in this regard, we support the Women on Board Adria (WOBA) initiative and the WMG Foundation, both of which are excellent examples of how positive change is made and how we can work together to strengthen women’s leadership,” stated Biljana Sirovica.

The Director of the WMG Foundation, on the other hand, highlighted the importance of creating an inclusive work environment and achieving gender equality. “The WMG Foundation is dedicated to promoting the sustainability of society in Serbia and the Western Balkans in accordance with European Union standards, which, among other things, includes building a society where women have equal opportunities to make decisions, influence change, and shape the future. We believe that changing corporate and business culture is crucial for achieving gender equality. Initiatives such as WOBA help women take their rightful place in all spheres of society, and our goal is to inspire and strengthen a support network for all female leaders in collaboration with our partners,” emphasized Irena Petrović.

Women on Boards Adria Initiative – Supporting Women’s Leadership

In the second part of the event, Biljana Braithwaite, Executive Director of Sustineri Partners and President of the Women on Boards Adria (WOBA) initiative, provided an in-depth presentation of WOBA’s mission and vision, as well as the implementation of the European Directive on women in corporate boards. She highlighted how this initiative contributes to creating a more equal business environment and enables women to take on leadership positions across industries throughout the region.

“Our mission is clear – we want more equitable participation of women in business structures. In partnership with organizations such as European Women on Boards and through engagement with legislators, we aim to ensure that European directives, such as the introduction of quotas for supervisory and executive boards, become a reality. Italy serves as an example of a country that introduced quotas even before the European Union required them, and it has been proven that this has contributed to a higher representation of women in leadership positions – emphasized Braithwaite.” She added that the introduction of quotas is key to achieving real change, as companies with more inclusive leadership, incorporating gender equality, perform better in the medium and long term. Such companies are better at assessing risks, identifying opportunities, are more innovative, and operate more effectively during times of crisis. “We are not talking about an agenda that is aligned with profitability – we want to demonstrate that inclusivity goes hand in hand with economic development. Additionally, through WOBA, we are working on building an ecosystem that enables women to access key positions through mentorship networks and professional connections, which are crucial for success,” stated Braithwaite.


The central part of the event featured the panel discussion “Resilient, Courageous, and Visionary: The Future of Women’s Leadership”, with panelists including Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Tatjana Rakočević, Member of the Executive Board of DDOR Novi Sad, Marko Kambić, Country Manager of FERCAM, and Ivana Kantar, Director of the Human Resources and Organization Department at Addiko Bank. The discussion was moderated by Nevena Dičić Kostić, Program Director of Women on Boards Adria. The panelists emphasized the importance of diverse perspectives in decision-making, highlighting that a balanced representation of men and women is essential without creating polarization.

“When we talk about empowering women, it is important to emphasize that the real challenges are not just about quotas but also about creating conditions for full participation of women in decision-making. Although women are often judged more strictly than men, the key is to ensure equal opportunities and enable women to be heard in all spheres of society. We need to work on preparing women for leadership, both in politics and the business sector, because true leadership does not depend on gender but on the ability to recognise opportunities and make key decisions. Supporting initiatives like WOBA is crucial for strengthening women’s leadership, as it enables women to identify and take on leading positions in all industries. I believe this is the right opportunity to unite forces and contribute to creating a more equal and inclusive business environment,” stated Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality.

FERCAM, an Italian transport and logistics company, according to Marko Kambić, Country Manager of FERCAM, is one of those that do not favour gender in the hiring process. “Although the transport industry is often associated with male-dominated professions, around 50 per cent of employees in our company are women. This result was not strictly planned but came from the desire to provide equal opportunities for everyone, which has proven to be extremely beneficial” stated Kambić.

Tatjana Rakočević, Member of the Executive Board of DDOR Novi Sad, highlighted that society continues to face obstacles stemming from deeply ingrained social norms and prejudices. ”In our company, we have achieved an almost ideal gender balance, with 48 per cent women and 52 per cent men among directors and sector heads. Although I have not encountered significant barriers in my career path, I am aware that many women in the business world still have to struggle against stereotypes about what makes an effective leader, as well as unequal access to education and professional development. Additionally, women are too often expected to take on a greater share of responsibility for private life, which frequently creates an imbalance with their professional ambitions,” emphasized Rakočević.

According to Ivana Kantar, Director of the Human Resources and Organization Department at Addiko Bank, these obstacles can be overcome through the broad implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards, which enable gender equality to be viewed as an integral part of the strategy for creating equal opportunities for all. “Gender equality has been a focus in the banking industry, but now it is being addressed more broadly through ESG standards, allowing us to consider this issue as part of a wider strategy to create equal opportunities for everyone,” stated Kantar, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts in creating a better environment for women and girls who will take on key positions in the future.

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The panelists also stressed the importance of institutional support and networking among women, which can play a crucial role in developing female leaders across various industries. Through such initiatives, women can gain access to mentorship opportunities, greater visibility within organizations, and increased chances of securing key positions. Nevena Dičić Kostić concluded the discussion by highlighting that the challenge of empowering women in the business sector is a shared goal that must be a priority for all relevant stakeholders – from governments and organizations to the private sector.

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